Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Finally a use for an EMX bus.

Below is the email from EPD in its entirety

From: MCCULLEY Jenna B <Jenna.B.McCulley@ci.eugene.or.us>
Date: Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 2:54 PM
Subject: Coordinated Response Lands Bank Robber in Custody

News Release
August 30, 2011
For further information, contact:
Jenna McCulley, Public Information Coordinator, at 541.682.5197, or
Melinda McLaughlin, APR, Public Information Director, at 541.682.5124

Swift Response Nets Bank Robber
Case No. 11-14566

SUMMARY: Eugene Police arrest William Cody Grimes, 34, within 21 minutes of a robbery at Bank of America, 201 E 11th Avenue

Eugene Police responded to a robbery today at 12:06 p.m. at the Bank of America branch located at 201 E 11th Avenue.  A single white, male suspect entered the bank approached the teller and presented a note, then left on foot with an undisclosed amount of cash.  Responding officers quickly set up a perimeter and began to search for the involved suspect.

Thanks to quick and tactical coordination between EPD and partnering agencies including the Lane County Sheriff's Office, and Lane Transit District, Officers Tim Haywood and Jud Warden located the suspect who had boarded a nearby EMX bus.  At 12:27 p.m. William Cody Grimes, 34-year-old, was taken into custody and will be lodged at the Lane County Jail on Federal Charges.

# # #

Jenna B McCulley
Public Information Coordinator
Eugene Police Department
Office: 541.682.5197
Pager: 541.341.2606


(End of EPD email)

Friday, August 26, 2011

If you think being an LTD bus driver is so easy then go ahead and apply.

Go ahead and apply, it is a thankless, underpaid job. Next time you ride the bus, think of all the responsibilities these drivers have. Think about the pay. 
Next time you ride the bus, thank your driver.
They deserve it.

Lane Transit District
is now accepting applications for the position of
Bus Operator

Lane Transit District is one of the most successful and highly regarded public transit systems in the nation; has received numerous national, state, and local awards for service to the community; and, for transit districts its size, is consistently ranked among the nation's leaders in the successful implementation of Bus Rapid Transit, bus ridership, and service efficiency.  LTD is committed to the values of working together, taking initiative, being professional, and practicing safety.

If you are interested in joining us as we endeavor to provide and improve services to all our diverse communities in ways that are sensitive and responsive to cultural differences, including accessibility for persons with disabilities, we urge you to apply for this position.

This position is responsible for providing excellent service to LTD’s customers.

The essential functions of this position include:

·               Safely operating any assigned transit coach, or other vehicle, on a designated route while maintaining an accurate time schedule
·               Providing information about Lane Transit District’s services, bus schedules, and routes
·               Following State and Federal  motor vehicle regulations and Lane Transit District policies and procedures
·               Monitoring and collecting fares and checking passes
·               Announcing designated stops in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Lane Transit District’s procedures
·               Communicating with other Lane Transit District employees regarding accidents, equipment or operational problems, situations involving customers or the general public, or any other situation requiring attention or assistance
·               Interacting with customers and the general public in a courteous and professional manner

Qualification requirements for this position include the ability to:

·               Obtain and maintain a valid Oregon Commercial Driver’s License, including passenger and air brake endorsements, and a valid DOT medical card
·               Establish and maintain effective working relationships with the public and other Lane Transit District employees
·               Learn Lane Transit District’s routes and schedules, including learning the general geographic layout of the service area
·               Meet the position performance standards
·               Provide a five-year driving history and record acceptable to the District’s insurance carrier

Physical Demands for this position include the ability to:

·               Sit and operate a bus for long periods with few breaks
·               Turn side-to-side and reach overhead with a push/pull force of 40 pounds
·               Lift up to 30 pounds
·               Bend, squat, kneel to secure wheelchairs and complete pre-trip inspections of vehicles

Compensation for this position starts at $16.32 per hour, with a top wage of $21.72, and includesan excellent benefits package.

HOW TO APPLY:  LTD requires a completed application form for each position.  You may obtain the REQUIRED application form and job information below or the main office at 3500 E. 17thAvenueEugeneOR  97403.  Completed applications and resumes may be mailed to or turned in at the main office.  Applications must be received by 5 p.m. on Friday, September 9, 2011.  For additional information call: (541) 682-6100.
LTD Application (pdf)
Applicant’s Authorization to Release Information (pdf)
Voluntary Applicant Data Record (pdf)
Application Bulletin (pdf)

Lane Transit District is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity employer.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Clarifying LTD's Spin

By LCCRG (reprinted with permission)

LTD Board President Mike Eyster
Sunday's guest editorial in the Register-Guard by LTD Board President Mike Eyster was a very clear attempt in misleading the public with more fluff and unsubstantiated predictions and dreams about future ridership that are based in fantasy, not fact. In this article, we strive to help sort "spin" from "proven and substantiated fact".

One of the first claims made by Eyster Is that the Franklin EmX line exceeded 20-year ridership projections in its first year of operation. What is conveniently left out is that rides were free during that first year. Also unknown is how exactly those ridership projections were determined, and what the projections even were. Verdict: SPIN. There are too many holes in LTD's claim about increased ridership to substantiate whether or not the increased number of riders was caused by the distribution of free rides, and the methodology by which ridership projections are determined.

Dear LTD
LTD also asserts that they are concerned about the impacts of construction along their proposed routes. However, according to the Dear LTD blog, LTD sent a construction crew to do some minor work on Franklin near the 76 station at Walnut St. The owner of the station was told that the construction would be done by 7AM, or by 10AM worst case scenario. The reality was that the crew was done just before 1PM, which cut access off to his business during the crucial lunch hour. LTD also did not even notify the station owner in writing, instead sending one of their spokespersons out to tell one if his employees verbally. A few months ago, LCCRG wrote an article about another business that was negatively impacted and abused by LTD's construction. Springfield Cleaners had their access severely compromised by LTD construction crews from January-April 2009, with the contractors cutting off a lot of their parking and doing virtually nothing to ease the impact to is business save for putting out a sandwich board sign on the sidewalk to let passers-by know they were still open for business. LTD representatives assured the business owner, Casey Dresser that her business would benefit from having the EmX go by her shop, however, she shared that not one customer she knows of has patronized her shop after riding the EmX there. Verdict: SPIN! If the way LTD has mismanaged their interactions with the above impacted businesses with false claims, gross abuses and outright lies, how can LTD be trusted to do the right thing for businesses along West 6th, 7th and 11th Avenues in Eugene? It's clear, they simply are not to be trusted.

LTD makes the claim that preliminary data, from THEIR OWN alternatives analysis that capacity for traffic along 6th and 7th will increase as a result of EmX, and that opponents claims are based on 27 year old data. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that of ODOT deemed it necessary to add a lane on those streets in the 1980's because of increased traffic, it probably would not increase traffic capacity to have EmX buses and turning traffic taking that lane back in the future.  Verdict: SPIN. LTD is using their own analysis, that has not been verified by any other transportation entity. Common sense and basic physics would dictate that if 3 continuous traffic lanes was not enough to meet the needs of 6th and 7th back in the 80's, it certainly would not be now, or into the future.

Eyster cites the recent opening of Cabela's along the EmX corridor as one of the retail opportunities related to this project. Really? Cabela's is a destination store, typically one that it's customers drive significant distances to get to. How many big game hunters do you know bought their rifle at Cabela's after taking the EmX there? Verdict: SPIN! That is simply a desperate attempt by LTD to tie retail development to their system. Also worth noting is that in the over 4 years since the Franklin EmX line opened, there has been no new developments of significance in Glenwood, save for an announcement that Planned Parenthood plans to open a new facility there.

(click image to see full size)
The tragic part of all of LTD's putting out information that is based on shaky ground at best is that they are wasting OUR resources in doing so. Every ad that LTD puts out touting the greatness of EmX is paid for by us. Every minute an LTD employee spends engaging in PR activities to cram an unwanted West Eugene EmX extension down our throats is paid for by us!

When considering who to believe about the EmX, consider what the following parties have at stake:

Our Money Our Transit: Their businesses and the livelihoods of their employees and families.

Taxpayers: The notion of seeing our country dive deeper into debt to spend tens of millions of dollars on something only 3-5% of Lane County residents use, and that has no proven need, either now or in the future.

LTD: up to $80 million in "free federal money" and untold millions more for future unneeded extensions.

We think one only needs to look at the motivating factors for all those involved to decide where the truth really lies.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

LTD Board President Provides EmX Update.

Board President Provides EmX Update

EmX Improves the Transportation System
EmX is a highly effective transportation system. The first EmX line on Franklin Boulevard exceeded 20-year ridership projections in its first year of operation. Today EmX carries more than twice the number of customer boardings compared to the route 11 service that it replaced. The opening of the Gateway EmX Extension in early 2011 has attracted new riders and has even increased ridership along the original Franklin line.  The region’s current transportation plan calls for a 61-mile network of EmX routes.  As EmX routes are added, the entire transportation system becomes more effective in attracting additional transit riders, improving travel time for automobiles, improving air quality, reducing green house gas emissions, and reducing dependence on fossil fuel. Transit districts from all over the world have come to LTD to study the highly innovative EmX system in place here in our community.

LTD understands that some business and property owners have concerns about moving forward with the West Eugene EmX Extension at this time.  Some businesses are struggling, others don’t see value in this investment, and many are concerned about construction impacts.  Lane Transit District understands these concerns and continues to work on ways to minimize or eliminate negative impacts while moving forward with a project that provides tremendous benefits to the entire community.

Many public outreach efforts, including more than 300 business and property owner meetings, have been completed during the past few years. These meetings have helped craft the current configuration of the route and the plans for a successful partnership for working with the West Eugene community. The process of meeting one-on-one with residents, property owners, and business owners along the selected route is on-going.  These meetings will provide additional opportunities to view the early designs and modify designs to minimize impacts further. LTD is committed to working with each property owner to make sure that this is the best route for West Eugene while serving the needs of the entire region.

LTD and construction contractor Wildish Construction have worked together on the first two EmX lines and have learned a great deal from the construction of each route. With the West Eugene route, we would use these lessons learned to make this an even smoother process for local residents and businesses. Construction techniques, such as night work and maintenance of access for customers and deliveries during construction, would be employed to maintain full business operations during construction.  These options have been very successful in the past, but we want to continue to work with businesses to get their input on what to include in a construction plan that addresses any and all concerns.  LTD knows the importance of maintaining and improving the health of businesses in order for our community to be successful. Construction of an EmX line in West Eugene must be done in a way that ensures the short-term health of businesses while creating an environment for long-term business expansion.

In a recent Register Guard Guest Editorial, Brian Weaver asserts that the West Eugene EmX Extension project will reduce vehicle capacity by 25 percent along sections of 6th and 7th Avenues. Mr. Weaver’s assertion is based on 27-year old data.  Preliminary data, gathered from current information and projections of future conditions, shows that capacity for auto traffic will increase, and the amount of time it takes an auto to travel the corridor will improve as a result of EmX.  This analysis is being refined as part of the required federal process and will be available for public review later this fall.  The bottom line is that one of the purposes of EmX is to improve vehicle movement—starting on the day that it is built.   EmX development has always been about improving the entire transportation system, which is why professional traffic engineers and analysts work on detailed assessments of system effects.  These effects are then reviewed and approved by city and state traffic engineers and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) who are ultimately responsible for the safe and efficient operation of our transportation network.

Mr. Weaver states that LTD should consider impacts to adjacent neighborhoods.  EmX development considers these impacts carefully, and a review of population and jobs adjacent to the proposed EmX line are a prime reason that the Eugene City Council, the LTD Board, and the Metropolitan Policy Committee selected the 6th/7th/11th route.  Nearby residents will be connected to fast, frequent, and reliable transit service through the envisioned EmX.  Employees will have better connections to and from work, and businesses will be able to attract new customers from throughout the region.  In addition, the EmX route selected by the community was refined specifically to avoid causing traffic to be diverted into adjacent residential neighborhoods.

In the coming months, LTD will complete three key steps in the development of EmX in West Eugene.  First, the West Eugene EmX project must compete with transportation projects from around the United States for federal funding. LTD is preparing a grant application that will be submitted in September 2011.  Second, an environmental analysis will be completed and submitted to the Federal Transit Administration for review.  Following the FTA review, a public review will occur in late 2011.  Third, the LTD Board and Eugene City Council, after analyzing the data currently being collected including an analysis of operating costs, will again hold a vote on the project.

Exciting things are happening in our community.  New retail opportunities, like the opening of Cabela’s, have popped up around existing EmX corridors.  Three significant projects are underway in downtown Eugene, plus the addition of the new hotel at 5th Street Public Market, all around the hub of LTD’s downtown transit station.  Having just completed the Matthew Knight Arena, the University is working on a new residence hall and a new science building.  PeaceHealth is moving forward with the reconstruction of Sacred Heart Hospital-University District, creating even more opportunities for employees and visitors to fully utilize both EmX and other LTD bus service.

To prepare for present and future growth, an enhanced transportation system is critical.  The goal of a West Eugene EmX Extension line would be to make these destinations more easily accessible to people throughout Eugene-Springfield, while simultaneously making businesses and residences in West Eugene more easily accessible by more people.  Taking one step at a time, we will meet the needs of today while ensuring that our children and grandchildren will be able to enjoy our community for generations to come. 

Mike Eyster
Mike Eyster is the President of the Lane Transit District Board of Directors

From: ltd.org

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why make promises you know you wont be keeping LTD?

Why make promises you know you wont be keeping LTD?

Can you imagine the trouble the west 11th, and 6th/7th area business community has in store for them if this proposed west end EmX extension goes through? (Sorry, one of these is out of time sequence.)

(Published with permission from OMOT/Chuck's Service Center Inc.)

----- Forwarded message -----
From: "Chuck's Service Center, Inc."
Date: Tue, Aug 16, 2011 10:55 AM
Subject: Construction
To: <vanwinkle@ltd.org>
Cc: <ourmoneyourtransit@gmail.com>

Hi Lisa,
Thanks for coming by yesterday. My employee told me about your visit to inform us of the EmX construction in front of my business today. It's so good to have the construction back because I was just wondering the other day if there was anything that could possibly make business any worse for us out here. And you came by. Thanks!
So anyway, my employee told me that you said construction would stop no later than 10am. Well, here it is nearly 11am and they're still out there (with no sign of wrapping up) as my business approaches the busiest time of the day. This is no surprise, however, as my previous information regarding EmX construction has always been incorrect and far more damaging to my business than predicted by LTD.
Chuck's Service Center, Inc.
2091 Franklin Blvd
Eugene, OR 97403

Excellence In Customer Service Since 1958
From: Chuck's Service Center, Inc.

Date: Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: Construction
To: LTD NoBuild <ourmoneyourtransit@gmail.com>

Doing some sort of concrete work. A patch-over where they had to dig down to something maybe...
It looks like they're leaving now, at 12:45. Just at the end of our lunch rush, of course....
Thanks Erin,

On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 12:38 PM, LTD NoBuild <ourmoneyourtransit@gmail.com> wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chuck's Service Center, Inc. 
Date: Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: Construction
To: LTD NoBuild <ourmoneyourtransit@gmail.com>

It was Lisa Vanwinkle, don't know if you know her. She's very nice like all LTD reps are nice. Oh so polite and say nothing of any meaning. Anyway, I did not speak to her when she was here in person. My employee gave me the card she left, and told me that (she said) they would wrap up the construction at 7am, with worst case scenerio being 10 am. It's 12:15 now and the cones are still up, and the crew is eating lunch. (Noon is my busiest rush of business each day.)
When the opening staff arrived this morning, he found two of their vehicles on the lot, having not asked permission. We had to ask them to move them so our traffic flow would be restored.
I had trouble with Lisa's email address, so I spoke with her on the phone around 11. She said they shouldn't have parked on the lot, and it was her understanding that they would finish "within the hour." She was very nice of course. I sent the original email to her again.
As for media attention, that's ok, feel free to circulate the email. I won't comment to the press any more though. Not since my experiences with them in the gas tax matter a few years ago. After that, I instituted a strict no comment policy towards any media for me and the staff here.
But they're certainly welcome to come by and take pictures.
I CC'd you on the original email because I thought you would find it interesting, just or a sort of FYI. I never did ask what exactly the construction was all about.
Thanks Erin,
Chuck's Service Center, Inc.
2091 Franklin Blvd
Eugene, OR 97403

Excellence In Customer Service Since 1958

On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 1:46 PM, VANWINKLE Lisa <Lisa.VanWinkle@ltd.org> wrote:
Casey, thank you for expressing your concerns and allowing LTD to respond. When I spoke to your employee yesterday, I explained that the construction work might extend past 10 a.m. depending on what the contractor encountered when they excavated the storm water pipe. We are sorry that it took the contractor a few more hours than anticipated to complete the work.

LTD and the contractor minimized the impact to your business, adjacent businesses, and the traveling public by scheduling the work to begin in the late evening and progress until done. We also used a type of concrete that firms up rapidly to restore normal traffic flow as soon as possible.

Again, we are sorry the work extended longer than anticipated. We appreciate that you gave us the opportunity to respond to your comments.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Our Money Our Transit Offers $1000 Reward to catch sign Vandal.

(Please see video to the right-->)
Our Money Our Transit Offers $1000 Reward to catch sign Vandal
EUGENE, OR. (August 15, 2011)
This past weekend dozens of the No Build Lawn signs produced by Our Money Our Transit were vandalized and numerous No Build banners were destroyed or defiled. 
Our Money Our Transit has constantly battled the theft and removal of legally posted signs along the West 11th corridor.  On Saturday, August 13th, more that 45 lawn signs were vandalized and three of the large banners (3 foot by 8 foot) were ripped off the buildings where they were being displayed.
Video of a lone bike rider was caught on the surveillance security camera on Monday August 15th by one of the businesses on West 11th Ave, removing signs and throwing them onto West 11th at 3:51am Saturday morning.  A $1000 reward is being offered by Our Money Our Transit to any person who can confirm the identity of the subject on the video tape that leads to that person’s arrest.  
This video is now posted on the Our Money Our Transit website. www.ourmoneyourtransit.com
If you have any information regarding this crime, please report it to the Eugene Police Department or send an email to ourmoneyourtransit@gmail.com

Saturday, August 13, 2011

OMOT claims that LTD can’t provide the data to back up their claims.

Published with permission from Stop The Green Dragon/OMOT.


From: Erin
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 10:25 AM
To: VOBORA Andy; REES Cosette; KORTGE Dean
Subject: Please provide research referenced

You stated:
"the plan moves EmX and right turning vehicles out of traffic flow for the most part.... research shows that would help traffic run more efficiently."

LTD has been referencing this research for a long time, and now I think I would like to see it.

Could you please provide the research citation that shows this?  and keep in mind, the existing conditions on 6th/7th.  There currently are NO buses that stop in traffic.  So technically you will not be "moving" EmX out of traffic because it was never there.  I would like the research that shows "re-assigning" a lane that currently does not contain bus stops will improve traffic. 

From: VOBORA Andy
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 10:32 AM
To: 'Erin'; REES Cosette; KORTGE Dean; EVANS John
Subject: RE: Please provide research referenced

The research referred to was the initial DKS studies that you have.  The traffic analysis is being updated as part of the analysis of the LPA and will be available in the near future. 

John – Will the traffic analysis be available when the small starts application goes to FTA?

Andy Vobora
Director of Service Planning, Accessibility, and Marketing
Lane Transit District
541-682-6181 (office)
541-501-9398 (cell)

 From: Erin
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 10:37 AM
Cc: REES Cosette; KORTGE Dean; EVANS John
Subject: Re: Please provide research referenced-
 as far as i know, this report focused on current conditions and projections for 2031, not the day after you take the lane away.  Is this the only research you have?  i typically think of "research shows" as existing information out there to compare to. 

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 10:44 AM, EVANS John <john.evans> wrote:</john.evans>
Andy and Erin- to be more precise, your statement should have said “all previous project analysis (see current AA report) and preliminary indications from current analysis still underway indicates…”

The full analysis of the project, including all traffic analysis will be available in its entirety for OMOT’s (and the public’s) review and comment when it is completed, reviewed and published later this year.  ODOT and the City of Eugene transportation engineers have been participants in the design and refinement of the project from the beginning.  We are currently working through a typical process of review and coordination with ODOT which will be followed by additional detailed technical review by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Following these reviews by the agencies responsible for verifying the validity of the analyses, FTA will direct LTD to publish the full project analysis as part of the Environmental Assessment which will be available for full review and comment by the public.

John Evans, AICP
Senior Project Manager
Lane Transit District
PO Box 7070
Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: 541-682-6146
Cell: 541-913-6430

From: Erin
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 11:33 AM
To: EVANS John
Cc: VOBORA Andy; KORTGE Dean; REES Cosette; Matt Cooper
Subject: Re: Please provide research referenced

So the only research is your own analysis, which isnt even completed?

I think if you are going to make public claims that you are basing this on research, you should have something in hand that supports your theory, and not tell me to wait until a tentative report is released in a few months (and with the history of LTD and the FTA, release dates seem to be delayed more than not). 

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 11:43 AM, VOBORA Andy <andy.vobora> wrote:</andy.vobora>
The research has been done and continues to be done by qualified professionals.  The updates will be ready when the engineers complete their work and the process, as John explained, allows the distribution of the information. 

Andy Vobora
From: Erin
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 11:50 AM
Cc: EVANS John; KORTGE Dean; REES Cosette; Matt Cooper
Subject: Re: Please provide research referenced

ok, then, can you please provide the research that shows "re-assigning" a lane that currently does not contain bus stops will improve traffic at the time it is implemented?  because this is what you seem to be claiming.....
maybe you can provide the page number on that DKS report that shows this? 

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 11:52 AM, EVANS John <john.evans> wrote:</john.evans>
Erin- please see my response below that states’ “ all previous project research and…”.  We were attempting to be responsive to your group’s request for detailed final information while the formal federal analysis is ongoing.  Please refer to the AA report for information about the previous alternatives.  For the LPA design-specific effects, I can understand the desire to have all possible information immediately available upon request but we have to ask for your understanding of the current stage of the project (analyzing the LPA) and how we are following the project’s requirements for the analysis to be developed, reviewed and released for public comment.

John Evans, AICP

From: Erin
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 1:16 PM
To: EVANS John
Cc: VOBORA Andy; KORTGE Dean; REES Cosette; Matt Cooper; sonny.p.chickering@odot.state.or.us
Subject: Re: Please provide research referenced

So- your corrected statement is "all previous project analysis (see current AA report) and preliminary indications from current analysis still underway indicates it would help traffic run more efficiently".

Considering the AA doesn't include year of implementation, you have nothing to support your claims besides the upcoming analysis results?  that is a pretty simple question that you seem to be sidestepping.  Either that, or all your claims of "help" only exist in 2031. 

Here is a report that talks about "re-assigning" a lane, and how it is not the preferred method in the US.  and this is based on a system with buses stopping in traffic, which we dont have.   This report show a few reasons EmX in Eugene is a flawed plan. 


and your statement " I can understand the desire to have all possible information immediately available..." is a little misleading.  i just wanted information you are currently basing statements on, that would assume you have it in hand.