Saturday, August 13, 2011

OMOT claims that LTD can’t provide the data to back up their claims.

Published with permission from Stop The Green Dragon/OMOT.

From: Erin
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 10:25 AM
To: VOBORA Andy; REES Cosette; KORTGE Dean
Subject: Please provide research referenced

You stated:
"the plan moves EmX and right turning vehicles out of traffic flow for the most part.... research shows that would help traffic run more efficiently."

LTD has been referencing this research for a long time, and now I think I would like to see it.

Could you please provide the research citation that shows this?  and keep in mind, the existing conditions on 6th/7th.  There currently are NO buses that stop in traffic.  So technically you will not be "moving" EmX out of traffic because it was never there.  I would like the research that shows "re-assigning" a lane that currently does not contain bus stops will improve traffic. 

From: VOBORA Andy
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 10:32 AM
To: 'Erin'; REES Cosette; KORTGE Dean; EVANS John
Subject: RE: Please provide research referenced

The research referred to was the initial DKS studies that you have.  The traffic analysis is being updated as part of the analysis of the LPA and will be available in the near future. 

John – Will the traffic analysis be available when the small starts application goes to FTA?

Andy Vobora
Director of Service Planning, Accessibility, and Marketing
Lane Transit District
541-682-6181 (office)
541-501-9398 (cell)

 From: Erin
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 10:37 AM
Cc: REES Cosette; KORTGE Dean; EVANS John
Subject: Re: Please provide research referenced-
 as far as i know, this report focused on current conditions and projections for 2031, not the day after you take the lane away.  Is this the only research you have?  i typically think of "research shows" as existing information out there to compare to. 

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 10:44 AM, EVANS John <john.evans> wrote:</john.evans>
Andy and Erin- to be more precise, your statement should have said “all previous project analysis (see current AA report) and preliminary indications from current analysis still underway indicates…”

The full analysis of the project, including all traffic analysis will be available in its entirety for OMOT’s (and the public’s) review and comment when it is completed, reviewed and published later this year.  ODOT and the City of Eugene transportation engineers have been participants in the design and refinement of the project from the beginning.  We are currently working through a typical process of review and coordination with ODOT which will be followed by additional detailed technical review by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Following these reviews by the agencies responsible for verifying the validity of the analyses, FTA will direct LTD to publish the full project analysis as part of the Environmental Assessment which will be available for full review and comment by the public.

John Evans, AICP
Senior Project Manager
Lane Transit District
PO Box 7070
Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: 541-682-6146
Cell: 541-913-6430

From: Erin
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 11:33 AM
To: EVANS John
Cc: VOBORA Andy; KORTGE Dean; REES Cosette; Matt Cooper
Subject: Re: Please provide research referenced

So the only research is your own analysis, which isnt even completed?

I think if you are going to make public claims that you are basing this on research, you should have something in hand that supports your theory, and not tell me to wait until a tentative report is released in a few months (and with the history of LTD and the FTA, release dates seem to be delayed more than not). 

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 11:43 AM, VOBORA Andy <andy.vobora> wrote:</andy.vobora>
The research has been done and continues to be done by qualified professionals.  The updates will be ready when the engineers complete their work and the process, as John explained, allows the distribution of the information. 

Andy Vobora
From: Erin
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 11:50 AM
Cc: EVANS John; KORTGE Dean; REES Cosette; Matt Cooper
Subject: Re: Please provide research referenced

ok, then, can you please provide the research that shows "re-assigning" a lane that currently does not contain bus stops will improve traffic at the time it is implemented?  because this is what you seem to be claiming.....
maybe you can provide the page number on that DKS report that shows this? 

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 11:52 AM, EVANS John <john.evans> wrote:</john.evans>
Erin- please see my response below that states’ “ all previous project research and…”.  We were attempting to be responsive to your group’s request for detailed final information while the formal federal analysis is ongoing.  Please refer to the AA report for information about the previous alternatives.  For the LPA design-specific effects, I can understand the desire to have all possible information immediately available upon request but we have to ask for your understanding of the current stage of the project (analyzing the LPA) and how we are following the project’s requirements for the analysis to be developed, reviewed and released for public comment.

John Evans, AICP

From: Erin
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 1:16 PM
To: EVANS John
Cc: VOBORA Andy; KORTGE Dean; REES Cosette; Matt Cooper;
Subject: Re: Please provide research referenced

So- your corrected statement is "all previous project analysis (see current AA report) and preliminary indications from current analysis still underway indicates it would help traffic run more efficiently".

Considering the AA doesn't include year of implementation, you have nothing to support your claims besides the upcoming analysis results?  that is a pretty simple question that you seem to be sidestepping.  Either that, or all your claims of "help" only exist in 2031. 

Here is a report that talks about "re-assigning" a lane, and how it is not the preferred method in the US.  and this is based on a system with buses stopping in traffic, which we dont have.   This report show a few reasons EmX in Eugene is a flawed plan.

and your statement " I can understand the desire to have all possible information immediately available..." is a little misleading.  i just wanted information you are currently basing statements on, that would assume you have it in hand. 


  1. Dear LTD,
    How do you expect to get the feds to give you your free money if you can't even convince us with your forked tongue double talk, number cooking schemes, word meaning games, and general lack of solid data? It isn't working LTD.

  2. Dear John Evans and the LTD "sales" staff,

    Why don't you just own-up to it that you spoke out of place and much too soon? Erin is right on all accounts. You know it, I know it, and the public knows it.

    If you make a public comment (in the RG), you need to back it up, period! More light will be shed on the constant flow of erroneous claims made by you and the LTD "sales" staff.
