Wednesday, July 20, 2011

LTD on the Ropes. A Dear LTD guest viewpoint by Scott Reynolds.


These last few weeks have not been very kind to our friends at Lane Transit District. While not very much media attention has been afforded recently to LTD's ill-conceived West 11th EmX project, or even to the beginning of new LTD general manager Ron Kilcoyne's tenure leading the agency, LTD has managed to thrust itself into the spotlight, with the aid of local citizens on a couple of these occasions.

A few weeks ago, MyEugene published a video on their site in which local citizen Ben Hallert's dash camera caught an EmX bus speeding through a red light on Gateway Street in Springfield near Applebee's. In the video, it is clear that the light for Hallert was green for a good second or so before the EmX barreling through the intersection even comes into view! This incident also was featured on KEZI 9.In the MyEugene article, it is also mentioned that LTD will not discuss how this matter was handled with the driver due to union rules. In this same article, LTD spokesperson Cosette Rees stated that "safety is extremely important to LTD".

On June 18, the Register-Guard reported that the Oregon Legislature cut funding to a program that provided free transportation to middle and high school students in the Eugene/Springfield area, and LTD responded on a Facebook post that they will be losing about $1.2 million in funding. In this same Facebook response, LTD stated that they assume youth fares will replace about $600,000 of that moneyand no cuts will need to be made. Additionally, in the same post, LTD did state that if they had to absorb the entire $1.2 million in cuts, that some operating budget cuts would likely have to be made.

Yesterday, LTD also made the news again on KEZI for a bus operator driving the wrong way down Lincoln Street near downtown Eugene, when it should have headed south on Charnelton Street. We would like to give credit to Jeffery Egbert for sending the photo of the offending bus to local media!

Regular readers of this page may remember a recent article published here aboutEugene attacking free speech in which it is mentioned that LTD had limited access to its Facebook page so that citizens and taxpayers could not post on their wall anymore. Today  Michael Weber was on KEZI today because LTD requested that Weber change a Facebook page previously known as "Dear LTD" to a group as opposed to a page. Weber refused to back down to LTD's demands to do so, but did compromise on changing the name of the page to "Dear Lane County Public Transit, can you hear me now?" Weber also started another blog site about LTD at

In closing, it is beyond my understanding why LTD is even trying to waste this community's resources and time in trying to build an EmX system that has been hotly contested every step of the way, and that we believe a majority of our community does not want. At the public hearing held in February at the Hilton and the hearing held at the Wheeler Pavilion at the Fairgrounds a few months later, people speaking in opposition to the EmX outnumbered those speaking in support by nearly a 2 to 1 margin. All around town, signs can be seen opposing the EmX project, but how many do you see supporting it?

In just the last few weeks, LTD operators have, without shadow of a doubt, shown a blatant disregard of traffic laws and for the safety of the general public, had their funding cut by $1.2 million with no idea how much may be recouped by youth pass fees, and has expended energy into limiting free speech by harassing an administrator of a Facebook page that had fewer than 100 readers at the time. When 3 unsafe driving incidents have been caught on camera/video in under a month, it is terrifying to think about how many more similar incidents like these have occurred that were not caught on film.

Rather than go chasing after tens of millions of dollars to fund an unwanted project that will do more to disrupt business, cause the loss of an untold number of jobs (which fund LTD operations by way of payroll tax) and has no proven need, LTD needs to return to its core functions of simply providing SAFE, frequent and efficient bus service to all parts of its service area, and making sure that its drivers are operating the buses in a safe and law-abiding manner. For LTD to focus its energy on anything else at this time is absolute nonsense.


  1. I'm not clear as to what your end desire is here, No Buses? As for the recent mistakes during a very difficult construction period, which happens every summer. Until they use driver less Buses(which is what the present Addman/board are hoping for) the human factor will always come into play. I do know that the drivers are under tremendous pressure as they make no adjustments to time schedules for the detours on any route for construction. It might be known that these drivers avoid at least 50 to 100 possible accidents every day. By the way are you one of those people that will speed up on River Road to cut off the bus interning traffic with YIELD sign blaring just so you can make some sort of statement that you don't like to share the road.Yes I think they have safety in the fore front, yes they do make mistakes.These two incidents where both on detours for the Pearl street construction. Before anyone throws opinions lets put a video in there car for a week and see how they match up!

  2. One last thought. I set out to see how rare it is to see people run red lights. So I picked a spot recently and sat so I could see clearly both directions of the lights at 13th and Willy met street. The following is the count in one hour.Bikes 23 Cars and Pu 19 Commercial vehicles 4 Public (eweb,city of eugene,lane county,and so on)3 Buses 0 Pedestrians walking against the walk sign every single one I saw I quit a 15

  3. "Only an authorized representative" of an organization can create a Facebook page. The page is a clear violation. The real question is: why won't this group just change to a group? They can still accomplish what they want to do and not be in violation. As the parent of a developmentally disabled son who rides the bus, I understand how easily confused some bus riders can be. Why cause more confusion? Just plain mean.

  4. Who is it you think these people are trying to represent? They are clearly trying to represent the people. Their community page is not against any Facebook policies because they represent the people and we the people will not let government remove our free speech community page. No one is confused. The admins even changed the name of the community page for those unable to tell it was not LTD's. Instead of spending your energy trying to limit the communities right to free speech why don't you do something good for your community like the admins of the "Dear Lane County Public Transit, can you hear me now?" who represent the community. LTD is grasping at straws and will only make themselves look like petty bullies trying to push the community around. We the people will not put up with these bullies.

  5. Dear Anonymous July 20, 2011 9:22 AM.

    You sound like an LTD employee.

  6. There is no violation of Facebook policy here. Pages abound on Facebook that complain about companies, businesses, politicians, government entities and they all fall under free speech. Detours and construction are not good reasons to not comply with safety precautions and traffic laws. These drivers should be very familiar with the lay of the land as they do this every day. Yes, many private citizens run red lights, etc, but the public is not paying for them to drive their private vehicles, nor are they trying to extort taxpayers out of about $100 million.

  7. Dear Anonymous 10:11 a.m. You sound paranoid. I am not an LTD employee, but I am acquainted with many wonderful bus drivers who get my son around town, treat him with respect, and I understand how important public transportation is.

  8. Dear Anonymous 12:39 PM. Then stop being part of the problem and post your great experiences with LTD for the community to see instead of complaining that someone has created a place that you COULD sing your LTD praises on? LTD is barking up the wrong tree and creating their own public relations nightmare. I see no one will cry foul about this blog as it is completely covered by the first amendment, and blogspot is well known for not putting up with petty misguided people trying to interfere with bloggers first amendment rights. You go Dear LTD, I bet your cause makes national headlines here in a hurry. If the pledge and city council did, this obvious freedom of speech issue will in good time.
    From an LTD rider, bike rider, jogger, car owner, hiker, and long time Lane County resident. Paul

  9. I remember you and a couple other guys were also working against the Randy Pape Beltline thing a while back. Keep up the great work and kudos for getting after our out of control local and state governments!

    Jeff in Springfield

  10. As a business owner and resident of Eugene I have watched some of the controversy surrounding LTD ebb and flow over the years. Nowadays however, it seems like many of LTD's critics are simply finding petty fault with everything, and confusing honest mistakes with malice. The bus against the hydrant was moved without incident, but it happened to be recorded by KEZI. And I can't begin to count the number of times I have seen cars drive the wrong way down one way streets past my office on Charnelton. This is the first time I've heard of a bus doing that though. While I think that the management of LTD is full of crap, I recognize that the drivers are for the most part doing a good job as best they can. How many of you go through your job without making any mistakes? For those that never make any mistakes on your job, can I interview you and write a book? LTD management can and probably should be replaced. The drivers doing their job in the public eye deserve some respect. Don't confuse management's BS with the average driver just trying to do their job as best they can.

  11. Community pages are built around topics, CAUSES OR EXPERIENCES
    Official pages are maintained by authorized representatives of a business, brand, celebrity, or organization

    What part isn’t clear about the page NOT being an official page and that is in fact classified as a community page if you would just take a half of a moment and check it out for yourself instead of regurgitating LTD verbage…

  12. This page isn't saying anything bad about the bus drivers personally They mean how LTD shut everyone out from their facebook page so they didn't have to deal with them.

  13. WOW LTD, you sure picked the wrong battle. Why on earth you picked a freedom of speech issue LTD? I am all for the EmX in west Eugene, but this stunt borders on a civil rights lawsuit. It is also an embarrassing look into local government. LTD, you may not take our rights, we are not done with them just yet. As far as I am concerned LTD you are lucky these civic minded folks aren't suing you for coercion, and basic civil rights violations. Hold up LTD and realize you just stepped back into the 50's with your bullying mentality. That wont work here in my town.
    Retired in Eugene

  14. By the by. Before anyone thinks I was actually trying to talk to LTD here let me tell you this, I know this is not LTD's blog. I am using the spirit of this blog "Dear LTD" to express my thoughts to this community as a "Dear LTD" letter here. I do not wish to write LTD to get an automated response thanking me for writing and that someone will look over my email. Balderdash.
    Retired in Eugene

  15. If I could tell LTD something it would be:

    Dear LTD, your drivers need driving lessons, and your admins need reading lessons.

    These people started a COMMUNITY PAGE FOR A CAUSE. You have no right to lie to us and say it is an organization page trying to represent you. Read all the help pages next time LTD before bulling good people. Facebook does allow community pages for causes.

  16. The first Comment definitely made me Lol a little. The article states " LTD needs to return to its core functions of simply providing SAFE, frequent and efficient bus service to all parts of its service area ". The first sentence of the comment is " I'm not clear as to what your end desire is here, No Buses? " Clearly the end desire is TO HAVE A SAFE TRANSIT SYSTEM IN EUGENE. Not a ridiculous bus line that is not needed. Which will hurt many businesses in the process.
    As for all the recent quite awsome captures by people of LTD's goof ups, whether extremely unbelievable or simply explainable, just go to show that people are paying attention. LTD is obviously not happy that now they are in the " Social " media spotlight. I have seen these drivers do a lot of asinine things having lived in Eugene my whole life.

  17. On another note, going along with the goof ups, givin that LTD is union. Why don't the Bus Operators get there routes timed right so they don't have to speed through red lights to be on time. Thats like (insert your Favorite pizza place) sayin your pizza will be there in 15 minutes and it takes 10 mins to cook. The drivers would have to speed and run red lights constantly. Then (Same as above) would fire them for having a bad driving record. Same with the Bus Operators. Get there in an unreasonable amount of time. But don't do anything wrong or you'll be in trouble. If all the hooplah about how close these Operators have to cut it is true. Then its there own damn fault for not standing up and doing something about it. Take a lesson from your community LTD employees. Stand up for yourselves and the people around you. If my company made me do something that put me at risk of hurting other people. I would def hit the door get a lawyer and stand up for my community.

  18. So many naive short sighted individuals as to how a transit, and or Buses operate. I am so glad that there are a few that can walk on water being so perfect must be a true joy. I lmao at the pure lack of positive ideas that come from forums as this. By the way you have no concept of how a union works, and the constraints that deal with confronting safety issues, and or work loads that can lead to mistakes as the ones that have occurred as of late. Also much of the complaints seem to stem from the over the top cost to service ratio, and you want more Lawyers involved must be a UO law grad, boy that will fix things. As to the statement just because bus drivers,truck drivers,for that mater bike messengers, are paid they have more responsibility to follow the laws, COME ON! This is a very short sighted and lacking point of view. Following your thought pattern, when you are not paid there is no law that you need follow when you drive.

  19. What is wrong with LTD? They obviously have no clue how Facebook works. A simple social media site, and they can't read and comprehend the rules. These are the same people telling me they know EmX belongs on W11th? No, even my 15 year old son knows that the Dear LTD community page was never against Facebook policies. And for the 7:02 AM comment, where is your positive attitude you seem to just as negative. Steve

  20. On your main page you have spelled "its" wrong. You should be using the possessive form of its and not it's.

  21. Thank you for letting us know there was an error. We are happy to be human, make mistakes, and be called on them!! We had the same mistake on three different social media sites. All fixed now.

    Again, thank you for pointing it out to us!!

  22. Haha. No not a UO law grad. And no ive never worked for a union. But i figure if unions go on strike for better wages, better this better that more whatever. Why not go on strike for the safety of the community you live in. I sure as hell would. When your the one whos car gets totalled by an ltd bus while parked, or you nearly get hit by a floored bus running a red light. You will be crying a different tune. I do hold LTD drivers to a higher standard of driving. Because driving is there job. Everyone makes mistakes. But im sorry there is no excuse for running one of those buses through a red light ever, time crunch or not.

  23. I am the person who called LTD to tell them that the Dear LTD page was confusing. My disabled son saw a picture of a bus and the letters LTD and thought he could write notes to the bus drivers there. I don't know anything about Facebook, so I don't know how to comment there, but I can tell you that LTD was trying to help and was concerned about riders, as they always are. I can't believe something done out of caring turns into something people think LTD is trying to hurt someone. Shame on you folks. Open your minds and hearts and let love in.

  24. Im glad your son found the page. Because here and on the facebook page. You and your son may post as many positive storys and shout outs to drivers as you want. Thats the beauty. Positive and negative feed back are welcome. Seems like its getting to were both are coming in now. Please post your good thoughts on the page. Comment on the negative ones if you like. Bring the light to others eyes of why LTD is a good thing in our town.

  25. If your son had in fact posted to our community page he would have politely been told we were not affiliated with LTD in any way. We would have also given him a link the the official governmental organization page for Lane Transit District, and/or Lane transit District's email address.
    Could I politely ask when this unfortunate incident took place? You see within 15 minutes of talking with LTD's public relation expert we changed our title to "Dear LTD: (Not affiliated with LTD)". Then the very next day we changed our title to "Dear Lane County Public Transit, can you hear me now?" and also removed the "Dear LTD." from the profile picture that I personally took with my cell phone.
    To this date and time NO one has posted to our page thinking we were LTD, and our name change was done partially our of duress, and partially out of concern for anyone who might be confused that our community page was associated with Lane Transit District's official governmental. organization page.

  26. To the parent of the son who claims they know nothing about Facebook. Without a Facebook account Facebook pages can not be viewed. You would be looking at the log in page. You would be prompted to either log in or create an account.
    Just sayin

  27. Just a little tid bit to add. LTD has there facebook locked so noone can start a thread. Your sons notes would have to be posted to an existing post by ltd. Which would likely be burried by other comments. So I encourage your son and you to post on Dear Lane Public Transit's facebook. Or better yet. Start him a blog. Share his and your positive experiences there. Then post that to Dear Lane Public Transit so we can all read them.

  28. @anon July 21, 5:02pm

    I think in times like this, I fall back to snail mail. I think it's more likely to get noticed, and its always nice to send and receive letters. Also, You can't doodle on a webpage... Most the time ;-)
