Monday, May 27, 2013

Dear LTD Needs Your Help to Find This Woman

Apparently, according to this handwritten note, a woman who is 31 weeks pregnant was denied use of the Lane Transit District's bus services due to not having the correct TYPE of change.  LTD's fare machines do not accept pennies. This is a fact we at Dear LTD were unaware of, and we ride the bus daily using bus passes.

According to this note it appears the woman was escorted away by a security guard even though she did infact have the correct amount of money to ride the bus. According to this note she then was forced to walk to reach her destination.

We at Dear LTD would like to find this woman, verify this incident, and help this woman find competent legal representation to make sure this type of behavior is never again allowed to happen. At the very least we would like to get a public apology from LTD for this woman.

Please copy and paste this picture and distribute it on all your social media venues. Please copy the link for this article and post it to all forms of media. It would be great to get ANY of the local news media to cover this.

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