Monday, May 27, 2013

Dear LTD Needs Your Help to Find This Woman

Apparently, according to this handwritten note, a woman who is 31 weeks pregnant was denied use of the Lane Transit District's bus services due to not having the correct TYPE of change.  LTD's fare machines do not accept pennies. This is a fact we at Dear LTD were unaware of, and we ride the bus daily using bus passes.

According to this note it appears the woman was escorted away by a security guard even though she did infact have the correct amount of money to ride the bus. According to this note she then was forced to walk to reach her destination.

We at Dear LTD would like to find this woman, verify this incident, and help this woman find competent legal representation to make sure this type of behavior is never again allowed to happen. At the very least we would like to get a public apology from LTD for this woman.

Please copy and paste this picture and distribute it on all your social media venues. Please copy the link for this article and post it to all forms of media. It would be great to get ANY of the local news media to cover this.

You can follow Dear LTD on Facebook at:


  1. LTD should be should be ashamed. This driver should be ashamed. The driver should have allowed the woman on, taken her pennies, then converted the change later.
    What a heartless driver. There are exception to every rule. Pick your battles. With that said this driver should be fired for having no common sense or compassion.

  2. Seriously I see drivers letting people on the bus with NO money all the time. Whoever this driver is, he should be fired.

  3. Rules are rules. Without them we would have no one paying the fare.

    This woman should have known better. This driver should be praised for not letting another no pay leach on for free.

    Also this woman more than likely caused a problem if security had to remove her.

    1. Bonnie (if in fact that is your real name)

      I bet you work for LTD. Great heartless sense of community you have there.

      If a pregnant woman with pennies can't ride the bus then there are bigger problems with LTD than the fare machines not taking pennies.

  4. First of all, what driver? There is no mention of a driver being involved in this at all, supposedly, it was a security officer. If that is the case he should have instructed the woman to go to any regular bus, (not EmX), and buy a day pass from the driver. This story does not have the ring of truth to it.

    1. I agree. This is either fake or the woman was just a problem that needed to be removed. Probably just a homeless drunk drug addict whore wanting a free ride at best. Look at the lack of education in her note.if she is pregnant I hope she gets an abortion. This woman is too stupid to have kids.

  5. Calm down kiddos. Even Dear LTD is smart enough to know this could be fake.

    "We at Dear LTD would like to find this woman, verify this incident,,,,"

    I too would like to know if it is true or not. No harm in asking the community to help find this woman if she does exist.

    1. @Local Lawyer. Seems to me Dear LTD is chomping at the bit to do more than wait to verify this, as seen by the rest of their quote you left out:

      We at Dear LTD would like to find this woman, verify this incident, and help this woman find competent legal representation to make sure this type of behavior is never again allowed to happen. At the very least we would like to get a public apology from LTD for this woman.

      Please copy and paste this picture and distribute it on all your social media venues. Please copy the link for this article and post it to all forms of media. It would be great to get ANY of the local news media to cover this.

      Wouldn't even surprise me if it was planted just for a site like this to publish.

    2. Great story except for someone named Dutch posted this to Dear LTD's Facebook. It originally came from this Reddit group. Highly doubtful this site faked it. Even if it is a fake.

      If no one steps up and claims authorship of the note then this will just die. What are you worried about? Worried someone will verify this claim?

  6. Ok, you people are idiots. The woman was trying to use the EmX day pass machine. It says right on it that it won't take pennies. There was no driver. This machine is not on the bus or near the driver.

    BUT those drunk-with-power transit guards and the Red Coat Mall cops are the ones to blame escorting this woman away. Those people abuse their power on a daily basis. The failure here is with security, not the drivers.

  7. Although the machine won't accept pennies and it is LTD's policy to not allow riders on that do not pay this was a fail in humanity. This driver should have stepped up and done the right thing. I am 100% sure he is able to use his discretion in upholding LTD's policies.

    As James said, "What a heartless driver."

    Indeed a public apology is needed her for this woman..

  8. The problem is not the drivers or LTD. It is the security thugs and police that cause trouble downtown.
    I bet Occupy Eugene or that SLEEPS group would want to know about this.
    This is what a police state looks like.

  9. If this was real news the local real news would be covering this. Not some smack talking blog. It's just a note. More than likely some kid did this as a prank. Move on, nothing to see here.

  10. When will the mayor do something about the out of control security guards and EPD in the downtown area? A pregnant woman really? I can't even go downtown without being harassed by beggars yet the "man" has to mess with a pregnant woman trying to ride the bus. Class warfare.

  11. Welcome to downtown Kittyville. Kitty's red coat gestapo will kick you out if you do not fit in.

  12. since when did ltd not accept pennies??? the machine does. my son uses pennies. money is money

    1. You appear to be confused.

      The EmX day pass machine that is at the bus stop, NOT the fare/change machine IN the NON-EmX busses does not take pennies.

      I have ridden the bus for over 20 years here. Go run and check the machines now.
